Center for
Human Research Coordination
Study Coordination
We coordinate screening, scheduling, transportation and more for research participants via phone, email, text or in-person.
CHRC helps guide faculty and their research teams with various tools to help facilitate recruitment for individual studies and registries.
CHRC helps support registries of human participants for researchers to draw from for screening or potential recruitment, allowing similar studies to focus on data collection and analysis.
View Study Listing
A list of current studies with their details and fliers.
Submit a Study
Submit your study details to be listed on the CHRC website.
Recruitment Schedule
Schedule of planned recruitement dates/times and locations.
ResearchMatch is a nationwide registry, it has been an effective recruitment tool that connects research teams with people who are interested in participating in research.
Transportation Request
Request transportation for your research participants.
We recruit, screen and register research participants for studies underway across the University in a data-secure manner. Please see a sampling of our services here.
About Us
The Center for Human Research Coordination/CHRC was launched in 2021, CHRC is a Core Facility reporting to UD’s VP of Research, Scholarship and Innovation. This Core is dedicated to promoting human subject research within UD aiding in recruitment, research coordination and supporting data management/REDCap.