Approved Studies sorted on Review Date

ACTIVE STUDY: Segmented Motor Output: A Marker of Parkinson’s Disease

Approval Status: Approved
Number: 75
Submission Date November 2, 2022
Is this study IRB-Approved? Yes
Date of NEXT IRB Review: [294]
Full Study Name: Segmented Motor Output: A Marker of Parkinson’s Disease
Short Study Name: Motor Output in Parkinson’s Disease
College / Affiliation College of Health Sciences, College of Health Sciences
Relevant Research Categories [328]
Location of Study: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713
Description of Study:

Do you have Parkinson’s disease? You may be eligible for a research study investigating how Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms relate to performing fast movement. We are currently conducting a research study about Parkinson’s motor symptoms and we are looking for adults with PD who are interested in participating. We are interested in how different motor symptoms affect fast movements in people with Parkinson’s disease. Participating in this study would involve one 1-hour visit at University of Delaware. You would perform some clinical tests of motor symptoms similar to the assessments your PT or neurologist would perform, including tasks like finger tapping to measure bradykinesia and touching your finger to your nose to measure tremor. We would also test your grip strength, and have you perform some laboratory tests that involve pushing against a force device with your index finger many times quickly to see how your brain controls fast muscular contractions. If you participate, we will give you a copy of your clinical symptom tests.

Will participants be compensated for participation?
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria:

Inclusion criteria include individuals with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. Exclusion criteria include individuals with another neurological or movement disorder in addition to Parkinson’s Disease.

“How to Apply” Description:

Please contact Rebecca Daniels at to express your interest. She will determine if you are eligible and if so, schedule a study visit.

How to Apply Link:
How to Apply Email:
Contact Name: Rebecca
Contact Last Knight
Contact Email:
PI Name: Christopher
PI Last Knight
PI Email: