Approved Studies sorted on Review Date
ACTIVE STUDY: MRI Measurement of the Mechanical Vulnerability of the Brain
Approval Status: | Approved |
Number: | 49 |
Submission Date | August 16, 2022 |
Is this study IRB-Approved? | Yes |
Date of NEXT IRB Review: | [294] |
Full Study Name: | MRI Measurement of the Mechanical Vulnerability of the Brain |
Short Study Name: | Mech Vulnerability of the Brain |
College / Affiliation | College of Engineering |
Relevant Research Categories | [328] |
Location of Study: | University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 |
Description of Study: |
The purpose of this research is to better understand brain mechanics using a novel technique called “Magnetic Resonance Elastography”, which involves a brain MRI scan while your head rests on a specialized pillow that gently vibrates. This study consists of a single 3 hour appointment which involves this MRE scan and a series of simple memory tests. |
Will participants be compensated for participation? | |
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria: |
We are recruiting individuals ranging in age from 14-80 years old. Individuals will be excluded for any of the following reasons: inability to understand consent and experimental instructions that are written in English, history of central nervous system diseases or brain injury, pregnancy, and conditions that contra-indicate MRI. |
“How to Apply” Description: |
If you are interested in participating in this study please reach out to our study coordinator, Alexis Merritt, via her associated email asking to participate in the “Mech Vulnerability of the Brain” study. |
How to Apply Link: | |
How to Apply Email: | |
Contact Name: | Kyra |
Contact Last | Johnson |
Contact Email: | |
Phone: | 302-831-3883 |
PI Name: | Curtis |
PI Last | Johnson |
PI Email: | |