Approved Studies sorted on Review Date

ACTIVE STUDY: Movement and Play in Baby Equipment

Approval Status: Approved
Number: 136
Submission Date June 17, 2024
Is this study IRB-Approved? Yes
Date of NEXT IRB Review: [294]
Full Study Name: Movement and Play in Baby Equipment
Short Study Name: Movement and Play in Baby Equipment
College / Affiliation College of Health Sciences
Relevant Research Categories [328]
Location of Study: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716
Description of Study:

The study examines the movement and play behaviors of infants when placed in commonly used infant equipment using sensors.

Will participants be compensated for participation?
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria:

Infants have to be between 5-15 months of age and are able to hold their trunk without assistance. Exclusion criteria includes infants who can consistently crawl or walk for than 10 feet.

“How to Apply” Description:

Interested participants will use a link (attached below) to go through the screening process for the study. If they are eligible, they will be able to leave their contact info so the research team can contact them and schedule the study visit.

How to Apply Link:
How to Apply Email:
Contact Name: Zainab
Contact Last Lobo
Contact Email:
PI Name: Michele
PI Last Lobo
PI Email: