Approved Studies sorted on Review Date

ACTIVE STUDY: Motor unit discharge behavior during rapid contractions in people with Parkinson’s disease

Approval Status: Approved
Number: 115
Submission Date October 11, 2023
Is this study IRB-Approved? Yes
Date of NEXT IRB Review: [294]
Full Study Name: Motor unit discharge behavior during rapid contractions in people with Parkinson’s disease
Short Study Name: Nervous System Control of Fast Movements in Adults with and without Parkinson’s Disease
College / Affiliation College of Health Sciences
Relevant Research Categories [328]
Location of Study: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713
Description of Study:

This study is interested in how the nervous system controls fast movements, and how Parkinson’s disease symptoms may affect that control. Participation involves performing some clinical tests of Parkinson’s symptoms, a brief cognitive assessment, and experimental tests of nervous system function. During these experimental tests, a small needle electrode will be inserted into the hand muscle between the index finger and thumb, and the participant will push against a device to produce several small, fast movements, while we measure the electrical activity of the nervous system through the electrode. Participation involves one 1-hour visit to the lab on STAR campus, and participants will receive a $50 amazon gift card.

Will participants be compensated for participation?
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria:

We are looking for adults aged 60-90 years old with or without Parkinson’s disease, who do not have any other known injury or neuromuscular conditions.

“How to Apply” Description:

If you are interested in participating or want more information, please contact Rebecca Daniels at with “motor unit study” in the subject line.

How to Apply Link:
How to Apply Email:
Contact Name: Rebecca
Contact Last Knight
Contact Email:
PI Name: Christopher
PI Last Knight
PI Email: