Approved Studies sorted on Review Date

ACTIVE STUDY: Impact of estradiol on endothelial function in peri-menopausal women

Approval Status: Approved
Number: 27
Submission Date April 19, 2022
Is this study IRB-Approved? Yes
Date of NEXT IRB Review: [294]
Full Study Name: Impact of estradiol on endothelial function in peri-menopausal women
Short Study Name: Impact of estrogen on blood vessel function in peri-menopausal women
College / Affiliation College of Health Sciences
Relevant Research Categories [328]
Location of Study: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713
Description of Study:

The endothelium is the inner lining of the blood vessels, which releases substances to help control blood vessel function. With advancing age, blood vessel function declines and cardiovascular disease risk increases. It has recently been shown that mortality from cardiovascular disease is increased in women aged 35-54 years, which is the time of when women are approaching and transitioning through menopause. It is unclear what contributes to this increased mortality rate, and is a significant problem for women’s health. The goal of this study is to determine how estrogen impacts blood vessel function.

Will participants be compensated for participation?
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria:

We will recruit Peri-menopausal women (ages 40-58) that will be classified as either Early Peri or Late Peri based on changes in menstrual cycle length.
Exclusion criteria: Women who are pregnant or are planning on becoming pregnant, are breast feeding, have a history of cardiac disease, blood clots, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, stroke, cancer, liver disease, have a body mass index >30 or 140/90 mmHg will be excluded. Women with diabetes, neurological disease, autoimmune disorders, have had a hysterectomy will not participate in this study. Women using exogenous hormones (birth control, hormone replacement therapy) within the past 3 months will be excluded. Women with a latex allergy will be excluded, as will women that have had an abnormal GYN exam in the past year. Women who have been hospitalized as a result of contracting COVID-19 will be excluded.

“How to Apply” Description:

Please review study details in the link and click Get in Touch to schedule a screening call.

How to Apply Link:
How to Apply Email:
Contact Name: Kathy
Contact Last Wenner
Contact Email:
Phone: 3028313493
PI Name: Megan
PI Last Wenner
PI Email: