UD Research Studies Seeking Participants

The University of Delaware needs participants for the following research studies. Each listing includes details about the study, the specific benefits of participation and how to apply online.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Join the Community Participant Registry

Impact of estrogen on blood vessel function in peri-menopausal women

Impact of estradiol on endothelial function in peri-menopausal women

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Women’s Health | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Megan Wenner | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Kathy Masso  |   EMAIL: chs-wcrlab@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 3028313493


The endothelium is the inner lining of the blood vessels, which releases substances to help control blood vessel function. With advancing age, blood vessel function declines and cardiovascular disease risk increases. It has recently been shown that mortality from cardiovascular disease is increased in women aged 35-54 years, which is the time of when women are approaching and transitioning through menopause. It is unclear what contributes to this increased mortality rate, and is a significant problem for women’s health. The goal of this study is to determine how estrogen impacts blood vessel function.

IRB Approved Flyer


We will recruit Peri-menopausal women (ages 40-58) that will be classified as either Early Peri or Late Peri based on changes in menstrual cycle length.
Exclusion criteria: Women who are pregnant or are planning on becoming pregnant, are breast feeding, have a history of cardiac disease, blood clots, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, stroke, cancer, liver disease, have a body mass index >30 or 140/90 mmHg will be excluded. Women with diabetes, neurological disease, autoimmune disorders, have had a hysterectomy will not participate in this study. Women using exogenous hormones (birth control, hormone replacement therapy) within the past 3 months will be excluded. Women with a latex allergy will be excluded, as will women that have had an abnormal GYN exam in the past year. Women who have been hospitalized as a result of contracting COVID-19 will be excluded.


Please review study details in the link and click Get in Touch to schedule a screening call.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: October 15, 2025

Blood Vessel Function in Children

Arterial Stiffness and Vascular Function in Children

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Volunteers, Pediatric | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Melissa Witman, PhD | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Krista Szymanski  |   EMAIL: kmanski@udel.edu


The purpose of this study is to assess blood vessel function in children. Atherosclerotic heart disease is a slowly developing process which can begin its earliest stages of development during childhood. Our aim is to characterize blood vessel function prior to the development and manifestation of any clinical symptoms of heart disease in healthy children. Your child will be one of approximately 100 participants in this study. Participants will be generally healthy boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 17 years old.

IRB Approved Flyer


Participants will be generally healthy boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 17 years old. Your child would not be able to participate if he/she is not in good overall health, is diagnosed with any chronic diseases or conditions (i.e. autoimmune diseases, chronic infections, cancers, congenital diseases), has a body mass index that lies outside the “normal” range, or is currently taking any medications which may alter blood vessel function.


If you are interested in participating or have additional questions, please reach out to witmanresearchlab@udel.edu or call 302-831-6958.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 18, 2025

Vitamin D Study

Effects of Vitamin D on Cardiovascular Health in Black Women

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Nutrition and Food, Wellness and Lifestyle, Women’s Health | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Melissa Witman | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Krista Szymanski  |   EMAIL: Kmanski@udel.edu


This research study seeks to evaluate the effects of vitamin D on sleep, blood pressure, and blood vessel function in young Black women.

This is a 2-part study. Part 1 requires two visits to the lab, 2 weeks of sleep monitoring with a wrist watch, 1 day of 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, and a 2-hour blood vessel function testing visit. You will be compensated $50 for completing Part 1.

Part 2 includes vitamin D supplementation, but is not required for participation in Part 1. If you enroll in Part 2 you will receive vitamin D supplements for 8 continuous weeks. Part 2 also requires two additional blood vessel function testing visits, two additional periods of sleep monitoring, and 2 additional days of 24-hour blood pressure monitoring. You will be compensated an additional $120 for completing Part 2.

IRB Approved Flyer


no diagnosed diseases or conditions including hypertension or sleep-related disorders, BMI < 30, not taking any medications for sleep (i.e., melatonin), non-smoker, and must be willing to undergo a venous blood draw.


Email Krista Szymanski: kmanski@udel.edu

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: October 18, 2025

Music for Young Listeners with ASD

Engaging Young Autistic Listeners: A Technology Prototyping and Music Theory Community Engagement Project

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, other : Music | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Matthew Mauriello | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716 | STUDY CONTACT: Matthew Mauriello  |   EMAIL: asdmusic.ud@gmail.com


We invite you and your child with autism to participate in a safe, interactive, and musically engaging research project run by University of Delaware faculty and students in collaboration with Autism Delaware. Inspired by Autism Delaware’s mission — “that all people with autism have opportunities to learn, grow, and live full lives as included and valued members of their communities” — the focus of our research is to create arrangements of children’s songs that promote engaged music listening by children with autism. These arrangements are intended to empower such children to listen with pleasure, attention, and participation (e.g. singing along), and to thus gain access to a formative cultural experience shared by many children. The arrangements composed by music students and faculty at the University of Delaware are designed specifically for children with autism, and future compositions and technology innovations will benefit from you and your child’s input.

Research participants (one parent-child pair) will complete a single short survey providing introductory information and availability. Based on this availability, a meeting will be arranged at the Rt. 9 Library and Innovation Center (New Castle, DE) multi-sensory room. During this 60–90 min. session, the child will be introduced to the multi-sensory room and music-listening device, and then have the opportunity to listen to interactive children’s songs on a prototype music-listening device. Following the session, both parent and child will be asked to complete a short semi-structured interview about the experience. Following the completion of the visit, you will receive a $50 Amazon Digital Gift Card (sent by email) as compensation. In addition, participants whose home is more than 5 miles from the Rt. 9 Library will receive additional compensation for mileage and travel time

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We are recruiting adult and child pairs. Child participants must be between 4–12 years of age, accompanied by one adult parent or legal guardian, and must not be hearing impaired.


To volunteer you and your child as participants in this study, please complete the following eligibility questionnaire:

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: February 27, 2025

Mech Vulnerability of the Brain

MRI Measurement of the Mechanical Vulnerability of the Brain

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, Brain and Neurological, Healthy Volunteers, Pediatric | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Curtis Johnson | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Kyra Twohy  |   EMAIL: mechneurolab@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-3883


The purpose of this research is to better understand brain mechanics using a novel technique called “Magnetic Resonance Elastography”, which involves a brain MRI scan while your head rests on a specialized pillow that gently vibrates. This study consists of a single 3 hour appointment which involves this MRE scan and a series of simple memory tests.

IRB Approved Flyer


We are recruiting individuals ranging in age from 14-80 years old. Individuals will be excluded for any of the following reasons: inability to understand consent and experimental instructions that are written in English, history of central nervous system diseases or brain injury, pregnancy, and conditions that contra-indicate MRI.


If you are interested in participating in this study please reach out to our study coordinator, Alexis Merritt, via her associated email asking to participate in the “Mech Vulnerability of the Brain” study.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: May 14, 2025

Parkinson’s Disease Registry

University of Delaware Participant Recruitment Registry for Parkinson’s Disease Research

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Older Adult | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Roxana Burciu | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: Fully Remote | STUDY CONTACT: Abigail Bower  |   EMAIL: aebower@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-3995


In response to a growing need for research about Parkinson’s Disease, the Department of Kinesiology & Applied Physiology (KAAP) in the College of Health Sciences has launched the Participant Recruitment Registry for Parkinson’s Disease Research at UD.

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Individuals with a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease who are interested in research.


Please contact Abigail Bower at aebower@udel.edu or 302-831-3995 for more information.

Listing expires: May 19, 2025

Individuals with Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy Walking Study

Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy Structure and Gait

STUDY CATEGORY: Orthopedic (bone, joints, muscle, tendon), Pain and/or Injury, Sports : n/a | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Karin Silbernagel | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Hayley Smitheman  |   EMAIL: hpowell@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-3145


The purpose of this study is to assess walking in individuals with insertional Achilles tendinopathy (pain of the Achilles tendon at the heel bone).

IRB Approved Flyer


Individuals at least 18 years of age with insertional Achilles tendinopathy. You should have no other current injury or condition that would limit you from standing or walking, no history of an acute complete Achilles tendon rupture, and are not currently taking or have taken fluoroquinolones within the last month.


Please reach out directly to the study team through the link, email, or phone number.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: May 16, 2025


Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease in Early Adulthood

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Volunteers, Men’s Health, Women’s Health : Other | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Melissa Witman | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Krista Szymanski  |   EMAIL: witmanresearchlab@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-6958


The purpose of this study is multifaceted as we seek to understand how 1. The timing of daily rest, activity, and meal consumption, 2. The regularity of day-to-day rest, activity, and meal consumption, and 3. The intensity of daily activity relative to rest relate to various subclinical markers of CVD and future CVD risk in a heterogeneous group of young and early middle-age adults.

IRB Approved Flyer


You are being asked to participate because…
• You are a healthy adult between the ages of 18-45
o Female participants must be premenopausal


You may not be able to participate if you:
• Are unwilling or unable to give consent
• Do not have regular access to a smart phone
• Participate in regular extended fasting in the morning (e.g., do not eat prior to 12pm, consume 1 meal per day, engage in ≥16 hour periods without caloric consumption) or full day fasting
• Are engaging in a weight-loss regimen, including a calorie-restricted diet, during study enrollment
• Unstable body weight (>4.5 kg/~10 lbs. change) over last 3-months
• Have been diagnosed with any chronic disease (a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease)
• Have had a positive COVID-19 test within the past 60 days
• Have received a COVID-19 vaccination within the past 14 days
• Have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder (e.g., insomnia, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea) or are high risk for a sleep disorder as determined by the ISI (score >14) or STOP-bang (score ≥3) questionnaires
• Resting blood pressure >140/90 mmHg
• Body mass index 35 kg/m2
• Currently take any supplements or medications for sleep
• Currently take medication that may alter vascular function
• Currently working night-shift work
• Are diagnosed with depression or score ≥16 on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
• Are currently pregnant, breast feeding, perimenopausal or post-menopausal (females only)
• Currently use tobacco (≥1 cigarette in the last month)
• Meet criteria for suspected alcohol use disorder (AUDIT score ≥15)

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: February 4, 2026

Potassium Supplementation Study

The Potassium Supplementation Study

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Nutrition and Food, Wellness and Lifestyle | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Shannon Lennon | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Andrea Lobene  |   EMAIL: cv-nutrition-research@udel.edu


The Cardiovascular Nutrition lab is recruiting individuals for a research study examining the effects of dietary potassium and salt. Admitted participants will consume three 10-days diets (food provided) combined with either a potassium chloride supplement or placebo. On day 10 of each diet, subjects will come to the lab for measurements of blood vessel health. These sessions will last approximately 1.5 hours. As part of study participation, subjects will have their blood pressure and will be provided with 30 days of meals. Participants will also be compensated $150 for their time.

IRB Approved Flyer


You may be eligible to participate if you are between the ages of 18 and 45 years old, have normal blood pressure, non-smoker and in reasonably good health.


If you would like more information, please contact Andrea Lobene via email (cv-nutrition-research@udel.edu)

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 16, 2025

Adolescents & Anxiety Development

Testing a Dual Mechanism Model of Adolescent Anxiety Development & Related Sex Differences

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, Brain and Neurological, Mental Health, Pediatric, Public Health including Covid-19 | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jeffrey Spielberg | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716 | STUDY CONTACT: Leah Green  |   EMAIL: lwgreen@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-709-1570


The purpose of our study is to understand why some kids develop difficulty in controlling their anxiety as they go from being a child to a teenager. We also aim to understand how parent experiences with anxiety might relate to their child’s emotions. Participants will be asked to complete surveys, a short interview, and computer tasks with pictures. Some participants will be asked if they would like to proceed to the MRI portion of our study.

IRB Approved Flyer


We are recruiting parents with their biological child age 11-12 years old if the child was assigned female at birth, or 12-13 years old if the child was assigned male at birth. Children need to feel comfortable lying with their head in an enclosed, small space while wearing a face mask in the MRI scanner. Both the parent and child need to be fluent in English to participate. At this time we are not recruiting children who are left-handed or have been diagnosed with autism or conduct disorder or parents who live with their child less than 50% of the time. You must be driving distance from the University of Delaware’s Main Campus.


Parents can either fill out a brief survey linked below or call (302) 709-1570 to complete the screening over the phone. Please leave a voicemail if we do not pick up!

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: September 14, 2025

Sleep Chatbot Study

Artificial Intelligence sleep chatbot in emerging adults with metabolic syndrome comorbidities: a feasibility study

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Wellness and Lifestyle, other : Sleep health, metabolic syndrome factors | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Xiaopeng Ji | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Sanaz Taherzadeh  |   EMAIL: sanazt@udel.edu


The purpose of this study is to learn more about the benefits of the 4-week chatbot intervention (mobile-app based) on sleep and metabolic syndrome outcomes in young Black/African American adults aged 18-25 years old as well as your satisfaction with the chatbot function and the extent to which you complete the intervention.

IRB Approved Flyer


Who we are looking for:
– 18-25 years old, self-identify as Black/African American
– having at least one metabolic syndrome factor (high blood pressure, high triglyceride, high blood glucose, Low HDL, excessive abdominal fat),
– AND having poor sleep or short sleep (<7 hours).


Please complete the screening questionnaire:
Using the QR code in the flyer,
Sending an email,
Clinking on the link

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 23, 2025

Cardiovascular Function in Children with Muscular Dystrophy

Cardiovascular Consequences of Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophinopathies

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Pediatric | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Melissa Witman | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Krista Szymanski  |   EMAIL: kmanski@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-6958


We are studying the effects of Muscular Dystrophinopathies on cardiovascular function. We are seeking both generally healthy boys and patients diagnosed with either Becker or Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy between the ages of 7-21 years old. We will perform a series of cardiovascular assessments using blood pressure cuffs as well as ultrasound to image the heart and various arteries in the body. You and your child will be asked to make one 3.5 hour visit to the lab. Participants will be compensated $300 in the form of a visa gift card.

IRB Approved Flyer


Must be male between 7-21 years old.
Recruiting either generally healthy boys or boys diagnosed with Duchenne or Becker Muscular Dystrophy.
Healthy boys should be normal weight and not be diagnosed with, or take medication for any chronic diseases or conditions


Please email Krista at kmanski@udel.edu or call 302-831-6958 for more information or to enroll in the study.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: September 7, 2025

Rhythm in Stuttering

Rhythm Production and Processing in People Who Stutter

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Speech and Language, other : People Who Stutter | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Evan Usler | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Janina Boecher  |   EMAIL: janinab@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 3025888534


Children and adults who stutter have been shown to exhibit more variable and inaccurate movement patterns on rhythmic tapping and slower responses on motor-speech synchronization tasks. Interestingly, there is a positive correlation between stuttering severity and task performance. Here, we ask how impaired rhythm abilities in stuttering may affect speech processing and shape speech production. To this effect, we will record electroencephalography (EEG), while participants listen to rhythmic tones and syllables. Further, participants will be ask to produce words together with a beat and read a short text passage. We hope to identify potential differences between people who do and do not stutter in terms of how rhythmic information is attended to and encoded by the brain. Speech production data will allow us to explore the link between rhythm representations at the neural level and actual speech performance.

IRB Approved Flyer


Inclusion Criteria:
Children who stutter between ages 6 and 12
Adults who stutter between ages 18 and 65

Exclusion Criteria:
No history of neurological or hearing impairment
No speech-language disorders beyond stuttering


Participants may contact the lab directly by emailing stutteringproject@udel.edu or janinab@udel.edu

Alternatively, potential participants may sign up via our lab website: https://www.delawarestutteringproject.com/sign-up-for-research/

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: August 3, 2025

Daily stress and blood vessel function in adults with depression

Accelerated vascular aging in midlife as a mechanism linking daily stress to cognitive decline

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Mental Health, Wellness and Lifestyle : N/A | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jody Greaney | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Aaron Autler  |   EMAIL: autleras@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-281-4792


The purpose of the study is to better understand how day-to-day stress affects cardiovascular health in people with depression. You will complete a short 2-3 min morning survey and a slightly longer 5-7 min evening survey every day for 14 consecutive days using an online survey tool. These surveys assess your daily experiences and behaviors. After each survey, you will be asked to complete three brief “brain games.” You will also attend a laboratory visit, at which we will assess your mood, personality, health behaviors, your brain’s thinking ability, and how well your blood vessels work. Finally, we will collect a blood sample.

IRB Approved Flyer


You must be a non-smoker of healthy weight between the ages of 18 and 55 to participate. You will not be allowed to participate in the study if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Interested in participating? Complete the survey in the following secure link. This survey asks basic health questions that allow us to determine initial eligibility.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 18, 2025

Assessing the reproducibility of an at-home blood pressure monitor in young adults

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Reproducibility in Young Adults

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, other : Young Adults | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Melissa Witman | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Alexs Matias  |   EMAIL: amatias@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 914-523-1953


This study is investigating the reproducibility of a 24 hour ambulatory monitor in healthy young adults. It’s a relatively simple study with all the tests done at home. Briefly, you will be asked to wear the blood pressure monitor a total of 2 times. First we will do the consenting procedures and study familiarization (~1 hour). Following consenting, you will be asked to wear an at-home ambulatory blood pressure monitor for two separate 24-hour periods, each period being separated by 4 weeks. During each time you wear the blood pressure monitor, you will also be asked to wear a sleep watch and do overnight urine collection.

IRB Approved Flyer


You may not be able to participate if:

• Are unwilling or unable to give consent
• Have been diagnosed with any chronic disease (a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease)
• Currently take medication that may alter blood pressure
• Have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder (e.g., insomnia, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea)
• Currently take any supplements or medications for sleep or known to alter sleep (e.g., Ambien, sedatives, melatonin, etc.)
• Currently work night-shift work
• Resting blood pressure >130/80 mmHg
• Body mass index 30 kg/m2
• Currently pregnant or breast feeding (women only)
• Currently use tobacco (≥1 cigarette in the last month)
• Have had a positive COVID-19 test within the past 60 days or have received a COVID-19 vaccination within the past 14 days

You are being asked to participate because:

• You are between 18-30-years-old (women must be premenopausal)
• You have a BMI between 18.5-29.9 kg/m2
• You have a seating resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure < 130 and < 80 mmHg


If interested in participating, please reach out to the provided email (amatias@udel.edu).

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: August 30, 2025

LGBTQ Youth & Family Study

The LGBTQ Socialization Project: Parent Capacity for Fostering LGBTQ+ Adolescent Socialization

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, Mental Health, Pediatric, other : Family | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Eric Layland | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716 | STUDY CONTACT: Meagan Lambert  |   EMAIL: qd-research@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-0360


In this project we will speak with LGBTQIA+ youth and their parents/caregivers to understand how adolescents develop their LGBTQIA+ identities and learn to navigate challenges of growing up LGBTQIA+. We will aim to learn more about what parents need to best support their LGBTQIA+ children.

Adolescent and parent/caregiver pairs will be invited to complete:
(1) an individual Zoom interview with brief survey (2 hour appointment)
(2) a joint interview on Zoom with brief survey (1.5 hour appointment)
(3) a brief final survey online (5 minutes).

Adolescents and parents/caregivers who are deemed eligible and complete all study steps will be paid $100 each in gift cards.

IRB Approved Flyer


LGBTQIA+ adolescents ages 13-20 and their parents or caregivers who live in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania.


Eligibility will be confirmed through a web-based screener (see link and email below). After you screen in, we will then invite your family member to enroll as well. Adolescents under age 18 are required to have permission from their participating parent or caregiver prior to enrollment.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: August 24, 2025

High Blood Pressure Stories (HBPStories): A Storytelling study for African American adults with High Blood Pressure

Examining the Feasibility of Implementing a Hypertension Storytelling among African Americans with Hypertension

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Nutrition and Food, Wellness and Lifestyle : Medication Management | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Yendelela Cuffee | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Jennifer Marmon  |   EMAIL: chrc@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-0150


Storytelling studies have been effective approach for promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyle change, and have contributed to reductions in blood pressure among African Americans. The High Blood Pressure Stories (HBPStories) study was developed to share the stories and experiences of six individuals living with high blood pressure with others managing high blood pressure. In addition to sharing the stories, our study website provides educational content on topics important for people managing high blood pressure, such as medications, physical activity, diet, and managing multiple health conditions. Participants in the study will be enrolled in one of three groups: 1) usual care (normal care) 2) Storytelling (online storytelling + educational information) accessed using a study website 3) Storytelling Plus (group storytelling sessions + peer-led educational sessions and goal setting). The Storytelling and Storytelling Plus groups will both be asked to record their person experiences and reflections on managing high blood pressure once a week for six weeks. All participants will have in-person visits at baseline, 6-weeks, 3-months, and 6-months, to have their blood pressure taken and to discuss medication adherence, diet, physical activity, stress and sleep behaviors. The long-term goal of this project is to develop a storytelling intervention that can be delivered in community settings across Delaware and Pennsylvania.

IRB Approved Flyer


The study inclusion criteria are as follows: 1) Identify as Black or African American; 2) prescribed antihypertensive medication; 3) age ≥ 18 years, and 4) have elevated blood pressure or high blood pressure defined a SBP 120-129 and DBP less than 80 The exclusion criteria are: 1) cognitive limitations that limit the ability to provide informed consent; 2) pregnancy; 3) unable to speak or read English and 4) planning to relocate during the study period.


To learn more about the HBPStories study, please contact the University of Delaware Center for Human Research Coordination at 302-831-0150 or chrc@udel.edu.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: April 24, 2025

Fatigue and Falls Study

Muscle fatigability and trip-specific fall risk in adults with knee osteoarthritis

STUDY CATEGORY: Older Adult : Knee Osteoarthritis | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jocelyn Hafer | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Millissia Murro  |   EMAIL: fatigueandfalls@udel.edu


The study aims to examine movement characteristics that are thought to be influenced by muscle fatigue and linked to fall risk during walking in adults with and without knee osteoarthritis.

IRB Approved Flyer


Adults age 55-70 years who either have knee osteoarthritis OR have no joint problems


If you are interested, please contact us at fatigueandfalls@udel.edu.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 7, 2025

Family Meals as a Strategy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Children

Dietary Approaches for Cardiovascular Health

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Nutrition and Food : none | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Shannon Robson | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Adriana Verdezoto Alvarado  |   EMAIL: ebnl-robson@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-722-5602


The Dietary Approaches for Cardiovascular Health study includes 5 in-person visits and engagement in a 6-month
online program focused on eating for cardiovascular health. Participants could be compensated up to $390 for full study participation.

IRB Approved Flyer


If you currently smoke, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, are inactive, are overweight/obese or have diabetes and have a child 6-12 years-old you may be eligible to participate.


Call or text 302-722-5602 to see if you qualify for the study today.

Listing expires: May 17, 2025

Electrical Stimulation Effect on Ankle Instability During Walking in VR Setup

The Role of Sensory Deficits in the Neural Control of Balance during Walking in People with Functional Ankle Instability

STUDY CATEGORY: Orthopedic (bone, joints, muscle, tendon), Pain and/or Injury, Sports, other : Immersive Virtual Reality | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: John Jeka | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Eman Alsaqabi  |   EMAIL: alsaqabi@udel.edu


The purpose of the study is to investigate whether electrical stimulation to leg muscles and joints can help with balance in people with ankle instability. You will be asked to walk on a treadmill in a virtual reality cave. You will receive light electrical stimulation at the legs to improve your balance. The virtual reality image will sometimes shift in unexpected ways to challenge your balance. During the session, we will conduct a series of clinical assessments, including tests of functional performance and balance. Additionally, you will be asked to fill out some questionnaires.

IRB Approved Flyer


Individuals between the age of 18 – 39 and have had the following during the past year: 1) At least one severe ankle sprain, which causes a minimum of one interrupted day of physical activity, AND 2) At least two ankle sprains or “giving way” sensations at the injured ankle and/or a history of general feeling of ankle instability associated with the fear of getting another acute ankle sprain. You should not have ankle injury or receive ankle rehabilitation in the last 6 weeks prior to participation.


If you are interested in participation, please contact us through the email.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: May 21, 2025

Effects of wild blueberry consumption on cognition and cardiovascular health

The effects of wild blueberry consumption on cognition and cardiovascular health in healthy older adults

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Mental Health, Nutrition and Food, Older Adult | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Sheau Ching Chai | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716, University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Anita Dini  |   EMAIL: ChaiResearchLab@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-7218


If you choose to participate, you will be asked to consume either 24 g fresh wild blueberry powder or placebo for 12 weeks. Memory performance and cardiovascular risk factors will be assessed before and after the 12 weeks intervention.

IRB Approved Flyer


If you are age 60-80, and have not been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, you may be eligible to participate in our study!


If you are interested, please call 302-831-7218 or email ChaiResearchLab@udel.edu

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: April 19, 2025

Neurological and Cardiovascular Consequences of Head Trauma

Neurological and Cardiovascular Consequences of Head Trauma

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Volunteers, Sports, other : balance, concussions, repetitive head impacts, | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Thomas Buckley | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Thomas Buckley  |   EMAIL: tbuckley@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-4783


The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of head trauma on cardiovascular (heart) health and balance (walking and standing).

IRB Approved Flyer


– Individuals between the age of 22-40 years old.

– You are over 40 years old
– Have a history of vestibular or ocular dysfunction which is not corrected with glasses/contacts
– Are currently taking any medications which affect your balance (e.g., antibiotics, some pain meds)
– Have had an injury to leg(s) or feet in the last 6 months which is still causing you problems
– You had any serious neurological disorders (e.g., stroke, seizures) or injuries
– You have unstable cardiac (heart), pulmonary (lungs), or renal (kidney) disease.


If interested, please contact the study team through the email below.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: March 24, 2025

Movement and Play in Baby Equipment

Movement and Play in Baby Equipment

STUDY CATEGORY: Pediatric : none | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Michele Lobo | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716 | STUDY CONTACT: Zainab Alghamdi  |   EMAIL: zainabgh@udel.edu


The study examines the movement and play behaviors of infants when placed in commonly used infant equipment using sensors.

IRB Approved Flyer


Infants have to be between 5-15 months of age and are able to hold their trunk without assistance. Exclusion criteria includes infants who can consistently crawl or walk for than 10 feet.


Interested participants will use a link (attached below) to go through the screening process for the study. If they are eligible, they will be able to leave their contact info so the research team can contact them and schedule the study visit.

Listing expires: February 21, 2025

Head Trauma in Older Adults: Neurological Health Study

Head Trauma in Older Adults: Neurological Health Study

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Older Adult, Sports, Wellness and Lifestyle : balance, concussions, repetitive head impacts, | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Thomas Buckley | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Caitlin Gallo  |   EMAIL: cagallo@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 9788798251


The purpose of this study is to determine how a history of head trauma (e.g., concussion, repetitive head impacts) affects your neurological health.

IRB Approved Flyer


– a healthy adult 50 years of age or older with or without a history of sports participation.

– History of vestibular (i.e., ear/hearing) problems
– History of ocular (i.e., eye/vision) problems
– Currently taking any medications that may affect your balance (i.e., antibiotics)
– Injuries to your lower extremities affecting you balance in the past 6 months.
– Any neurological disorders (e.g., seizure disorders, closed head injuries with loss of consciousness greater than 15 minutes, CNS neoplasm, history of stroke, Parkinson’s, etc.)
– Unstable cardiac, pulmonary, or renal disease
– Orthostatic hypotension (i.e., drop/decrease in blood pressure when standing up from a lying or sitting position)
– History of military-related blast exposure
– Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) history
– Taking more than 4 prescription medications prescribed by a doctor.


If interested, please contact Caitlin Gallo through the email below.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: June 20, 2025

Speech Motor Learning fMRI

Speech Motor Learning fMRI Study

STUDY CATEGORY: Speech and Language : NA | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Sayako Earle | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716 | STUDY CONTACT: Fei Ting Woon  |   EMAIL: feitingw@udel.edu


We’re embarking on an exciting journey to explore how the brain learns novel speech sounds, and we’d love for you to be a part of it.

Your involvement could contribute significantly to our understanding of how the brain processes speech. Plus, your participation will offer you a unique glimpse into the fascinating world of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology.

Here’s what you can expect from your participation:
– an at-home training session to learn a novel pair of speech sounds for an hour, 12 hours before your scan.
– a non-invasive fMRI scan while engaging in speech production. Whole process will take no more than 45 minutes.
– receive a gif of your brain activity captured during the experiment, providing you with an exclusive visual insight into your brain’s functioning.
– receive an Amazon gift card upon completion of the experiment

IRB Approved Flyer


be between 18-24 years of age;
be a native speaker of English;
not a speaker of Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish, or Mandarin;
have typical hearing and vision. We can prepare vision corrective goggles or you can wear non-colored contacts. No glasses allowed in the scanner;
have no history of cognitive disability, neurological disorder, psychiatric disorders, socio-emotional disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, speech and/or language disorders;
not be on any sleep-altering medication at the time of the study;
pass a standard MRI safety screening (e.g., no tattoos close to your head region, not pregnant etc.)


Email Fei Ting at feitingw@udel.edu

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: June 20, 2025

Motor Output in Parkinson’s Disease

Segmented Motor Output: A Marker of Parkinson’s Disease

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Older Adult : Other | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Christopher Knight | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Rebecca Daniels  |   EMAIL: rdaniels@udel.edu


Do you have Parkinson’s disease? You may be eligible for a research study investigating how Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms relate to performing fast movement.

IRB Approved Flyer


Individuals with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease.


Individuals with another neurological or movement disorder in addition to Parkinson’s Disease.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: April 21, 2025

Motor Adaptation in Young Adults

Roles and Interplay of the Multiple Processes Underlying Sensorimotor Adaptation

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Volunteers : Motor Control and Learning | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Joshua Cashaback | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: John Buggeln  |   EMAIL: jhb@udel.edu


Learning motor skills is fundamental to everyday life, athletics, the performing arts, and rehabilitation. Understanding the ground level principles that govern motor skill acquirement will allow us to learn motor skills optimally. We are interested in studying the effects of various types of rewarding feedback while learning and how that affects the brain.

IRB Approved Flyer


Young healthy individuals 18-29 years old with no recent


Contact the lab email listed below. One of our PhD students will reach out to you after contact.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: May 19, 2025

Stroke Research Registry

Stroke Research Registry

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Speech and Language | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Susanne Morton | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Kenna Gilley  |   EMAIL: strokestudies@udel.edu   |   PHONE: (302) 831-3391


The Stroke Research Registry provides authorized University of Delaware researchers with a centralized digital database of stroke survivors who may be interested in participating in the ongoing stroke research at the University. There are both in person and virtual/phone stroke studies available.

IRB Approved Flyer


Individuals over the age of 18 and have had a stroke.


Please contact Kenna Gilley at strokestudies@udel.edu or (302) 831-3391 for more information.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: August 18, 2025

Potassium and Vascular Health

Mechanisms Underlying the Protective Vascular Effects of Dietary Potassium in Humans

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Nutrition and Food | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Shannon Lennon | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Liza Walker  |   EMAIL: cv-nutrition-research@udel.edu


The Cardiovascular Nutrition lab is recruiting individuals for a research study examining the effects of dietary potassium and salt. Admitted participants will complete three 10-days of a controlled diet study (food provided), and attend a data collection on day 10. These sessions will last approximately 4.5-5 hours. There will be a 1-month washout in between diets. As part of study participation, subjects will be provided with 30 days of meals. Subjects will also be compensated $300 for their time.

IRB Approved Flyer


You may be eligible to participate if you are between the ages of 18 and 45 years old, have normal blood pressure, non-smoker and in reasonably good health.


If you would like more information, please contact Liza Walker via email (cv-nutrition-research@udel.edu).

Listing expires: August 19, 2025

Pain and Motor Learning in Older Adults

Pain and Motor Learning in Older Adults

STUDY CATEGORY: Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Volunteers, Older Adult : Healthy older adults | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Susanne Morton | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Ashley Fath  |   EMAIL: fath@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-283-9936


Researchers at the University of Delaware are exploring how pain may help or hurt the learning and remembering of new movements, such as walking.

If you are between 18-35 years old  OR between  55-85 years old, in generally good health, and are willing to participate in two 2-hour testing sessions, you may be eligible.

Testing will consist of several short bouts of walking on a treadmill, a few short pain response tests, and completing some tests of your memory and thinking skills. We will schedule the testing sessions at a time that is convenient for you, and all testing sessions will be at the UD STAR Campus.

You may be randomized into a group that receives an experimental pain stimulus on your leg or a group that receives nothing. The experimental pain consists of applying capsaicin (the chemical in spicy peppers that makes them hot) and a heat wrap on your lower leg, which is expected to be painful  but is not harmful.  If randomized into this group, you would only receive the capsaicin + heat on the first day of testing. You can stop participating at any point if you feel pain beyond your tolerance.

You will be compensated up to $50 for completing the study.

If you think you might be interested in participating, please reach out to the Rehabilitation and Neuroplasticity Lab at RNP-Lab@udel.edu or call/text 302-283-9936

IRB Approved Flyer


Inclusion Criteria:
-18-35 (YA group only) OR 55-85 (OA group only) years old
-Self-identifying as generally medically healthy
-Able to read, write, and speak English
-Able to provide informed consent and attend all testing sessions
-Willing to undergo the experimental pain process

Exclusion Criteria
-Any history or current mental health condition, learning/developmental disability, or cognitive impairment, including severe untreated ADD/ADHD, severe untreated anxiety, severe untreated depression, autism spectrum disorder, insomnia, mild cognitive impairment, etc.
-Any current (within last 3 month) or chronic medical conditions, including any musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, psychiatric, or neurological diagnosis, that (for OA group only) affects activities of daily living or would confound testing or place the subject at risk by participating, such as a significant cardiovascular condition or event (e.g., heart attack 5 minutes and/or requiring medical treatment, or 2 concussions over the lifespan
-Any history of acute or chronic problems with balance, any dizziness, or 1 fall in the last 12 months
-Currently or regularly using any analgesic medications, over-the-counter remedies, or any other treatment for the purposes of pain relief (i.e., baby aspirin for heart health permitted, etc.)
-Any current or chronic pain condition during the last year, located anywhere in the body with a (OA group only) pain intensity of 2/10
-Allergy to capsaicin or hot peppers
-Any skin lesion, breakage, or irritation in the area targeted for the painful stimulus
-Skin sensitivity to soaps/creams/perfumes or to heat
-Poor circulation in the area targeted for the painful stimulus
-Prior participation in a locomotor learning study in the Neuromotor Behavior Lab in the past 2 years
-Failing any additional screening measures conducted during the first visit


Please send an email to RNP-Lab@udel.edu or you can call/text 302-283-9936

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 25, 2025

Meal Timing and Health

Time Restricted Eating, Eating Behaviors, and Cardiometabolic Risk in Emerging Adult Women

STUDY CATEGORY: Healthy Volunteers, Nutrition and Food, Wellness and Lifestyle, Women’s Health : none | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Carly Pacanowski | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Diane Vizthum  |   EMAIL: dvizthum@udel.edu


If you choose to participate, you will limit your food intake to 10 hours per day for 4 weeks (caloric drinks are also limited to 10 hours per day, but not water or non-caloric drinks). Eating behaviors, diet intake, and body composition (body fat vs lean mass) will be assessed throughout the study. Participants will be compensated up to $175.

IRB Approved Flyer


Women between the ages of 20-29 who are generally healthy, own a smartphone, and are not pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant in the next 6 months may be eligible!

You must be willing to attend 3 study visits at the University of Delaware’s STAR Tower and fill out remote surveys.


To apply, fill out the eligibility survey linked below. A member of the research staff will review your responses and let you know if you are eligible.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: August 15, 2025

Child Development and Education (15months-5 years old)

Child’s Play, Learning and Development Lab

STUDY CATEGORY: Pediatric | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Roberta Golinkoff | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716 | STUDY CONTACT: Brooke Gonzalez  |   EMAIL: begonz@udel.edu


We are looking for young children (12 months-5 years old) to join us in our exploration of children’s abilities to learn language, develop spatial skills, and perceive emotions and shapes in their environments.

No IRB Approved Flyer found.


Children ages 12 months to 5 years years old are invited to join our research.


Sign up on our website: childsplay.udel.edu
Give us a call: (302)-831-2073
Email us: childsplaylab@gmail.com

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: August 7, 2025

Pediatric motor rehabilitation via socially interacting robot swarms

Pediatric motor rehabilitation via socially interacting robot swarms

STUDY CATEGORY: Pediatric : pediatric rehabilitation, infants | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Bert Tanner | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Kleio Baxevani  |   EMAIL: kleiobax@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-345-5951


The overall goal of this project is to design a portable motor rehabilitation environment for pre-school children (age 6 months to 3 years) with mobility impairments. Children in this environment will be motivated to participate in games that involve physical activity through the use of a body weight support system (BWSS) and through interaction with palm-sized toy robots. We plan to collect video and electroencephalography (EEG) data to monitor the child’s physical and brain activity. The child will be receiving cues through the robots’ motion, with the ultimate goal to maintain her engagement in the gameplay, and physical activity, at high levels. Data from wireless EEG cap collected during the optional final session with the child will record brain activity during gameplay and will give the investigators real-time feedback in terms of the efficacy of the robotic social intervention. This project will increase the knowledge in a number of fields: human-machine interaction (infant EEG signal processing and visualization), robotics (new architectures for automatic robot swarm control with human in the loop), computer vision and state estimation (extracting dynamic motion information from video), and pediatric rehabilitation (obtaining quantitative rehabilitation metrics and data, and offering rehabilitation methods that permit social interaction with peers).

IRB Approved Flyer


Mobility Impairment group:
Inclusion criteria: (i) age between 6 months and 3 years; (ii) diagnosis of mobility impairment; (iii) medical provider’s clearance form completed/signed for study participation; (iv) body weight less than 50lbs; (v) head control / maintain head in upright position.
Exclusion criteria: (i) vision or hearing problems that prevent the child from seeing the toys or following verbal instruction; (ii) motor impairment of severity that would make any execution of training maneuvers impossible; (iii) body weight in excess of 50lbs; (iv) seizure disorder; (v) contraindications (e.g., severe discomfort, skin irritation, etc.) to harness wearing, either indicated by the child’s physician or observed in session (vi) any other general health issues indicating inability to participate in our study.

Typically developing group:
Inclusion criteria: (i) age between 6 months and 3 years; (ii) not yet walking; (iii) medical provider’s clearance form completed/signed for study participation; (v) head control / maintain head in upright position.
Exclusion criteria: (i) non-correctable vision or hearing problems; (ii) seizure disorder; (iii) severe motor impairment or medical conditions that would inhibit the execution of training regime.


Contact via email:

Dr. Bert Tanner: btanner@udel.edu

Dr. Cole Galloway:

Kleio Baxevani:

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: September 15, 2025

Sleep Health in Teens with Autism

Artificial Intelligence Sleep Chatbot for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, Brain and Neurological, Pediatric, Wellness and Lifestyle : Sleep, m-health, focus group | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Xiaopeng Ji | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716, University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Xiaopeng Ji  |   EMAIL: jixiaop@udel.edu


We are inviting teens with autism and their parents to join a Zoom focus group. We aim to learn more about their sleep beliefs and preferences for using a mobile app to improve sleep. Participants will receive up to $100 as compensation.

IRB Approved Flyer


Eligible adolescents with ASD: Inclusion criteria:14-17 years of age, diagnosed with autism by a specialist, and sleep concerns reported by the adolescent or parent/primary caregiver (e.g., 18 years and live with the adolescent at least 4 nights/week. e.


You can scan the QR code on the flyer or click the link to fill in the interest form, or send us an email to participate.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: August 29, 2025

Electric-Vis: Forecasting Energy Use with Smart Home and Activity Data

Towards Novel Forecasting Methods and In-Home Energy Displays that Utilize Smart Home and Activity Tracking Data to Improve Demand Response and Energy

STUDY CATEGORY: Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Volunteers, Wellness and Lifestyle, other : Fitness and sleep tracker | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Matthew Mauriello | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware Main Campus, Newark, DE 19716 | STUDY CONTACT: Fatimah Alhassan  |   EMAIL: alhassan@udel.edu


We are researchers from the University of Delaware studying forecasting models that utilize smart home and activity tracking data to improve demand response and energy. We aim to increase energy efficiency and improve energy literacy in residential households by incorporating data from activity trackers and energy monitoring devices.

IRB Approved Flyer


To volunteer for the survey study, you should be an adult (18 years or older), residing in Delaware or surrounding areas who use a a wearable fitness tracker (i.e., Fitbit, Apple Watch). You must also be willing to share your utility and activity.


You can apply by taking an online survey consisting of 3 parts. The first part of the survey will ask you to complete a quick eligibility form. If you are not eligible, the survey will exit. Eligible participants will directed to complete an online consent form and then asked to complete a 20-30 minute survey about their home, habits, and opinions on energy efficiency measures. At the end of this survey, we will ask you to upload [your energy and Fitbit data], then will ask if you are interested in being contacted about participating in the follow-up individual or group interviews. Please feel free to contact us by email if you are interested or need any further information.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: November 30, 2026

Balance study in individuals with and without cerebral palsy

Neuromotor Control during Transitions in Children and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy

STUDY CATEGORY: Adolescents, Brain and Neurological, Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Volunteers, Orthopedic (bone, joints, muscle, tendon), Pediatric, other : Disability | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Samuel Lee | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Khushboo Verma  |   EMAIL: vkhush@udel.edu


Children and young adults with cerebral palsy can have trouble with daily tasks such as standing up from a chair and sitting down on the chair. They have difficulty maintaining balance, that can lead to falls. This raises their risk of disability as they age into their teens. Current treatments are not very effective. In this study, individuals will be asked to stand up from a stool, walk in a straight line, turn, and sit back. Subjects will receive very low-intensity electrical stimulation that cannot be felt to help increase their sensory perception. We will test balance using motion capture cameras and perform other clinical measures.

IRB Approved Flyer


Individuals with or without cerebral palsy between the age of 10-21 years are eligible.


Please fill out the form below or email Khushboo at vkhush@udel.edu for more information or to enroll in the study.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 20, 2025

Parent & Infant Play Study

Evaluation of Parents’ Daily Interaction and Play Activity with Young Children

STUDY CATEGORY: Pediatric : Child Development | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Michele Lobo | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Eman Alhindi  |   EMAIL: emankh@udel.edu


The purpose of the study is to learn how parents interact and play with their babies and what information they may need to support their baby’s movement development.

IRB Approved Flyer


– The inclusion criteria for adult participants are:
1) >18 years of age
2) Able to read and speak in English
3) A parent of a child who is 1-24 months and is not yet walking as their primary means of mobility
4) Physically capable of performing daily play activities with their infant

– The inclusion criteria for infant participants are:
1) At least one month old but no older than 24 months of age, or corrected age if born preterm.
2) Not yet walking on their own further than 10 feet.


Interested participants can apply by scanning the QR code on the flyer or using the link to complete the screening process for the study. If eligible, they will be able to leave their contact information, and the research team will reach out to schedule the study visit.


Listing expires: June 11, 2025


Positive Processes and Transition to Health (PATH)

STUDY CATEGORY: Mental Health : N/A | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Adele Hayes | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: Fully Remote | STUDY CONTACT: Eliana Schulman  |   EMAIL: elimeg@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 9174851334


This study randomizes participants to receive one of two short-term counseling treatments for individuals experiencing PTSD and/or depression symptoms following a destabilizing life event.

IRB Approved Flyer


Individuals between the ages of 18 and 65 living in Delaware with current PTSD and/or depression symptoms following a destabilizing life event that occurred within the last 5 years.


Call (302) 831-2215, email pathstudy@udel.edu, or complete the form at https://pathway2help.com/contact-us-1.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: September 12, 2025

Understanding Brain Changes Underlying Bimanual Coordination

Understanding Brain Changes Underlying Bimanual Coordination

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Healthy Volunteers, Older Adult : N/A | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Roxana Burciu | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Abbie Bower  |   EMAIL: aebower@udel.edu


This study is looking at how multitasking affects motor control in healthy older adults and adults with Parkinson’s disease utilizing function near-infrared spectroscopy (fNRIS), a device that functions similar to a finger pulse-oximeter to measure changes in blood flow.

The study would consist of one visit to UD’s campus to our lab for about 2 to 2.5 hours.

IRB Approved Flyer


Healthy older adults and individuals with Parkinson’s disease between 50-85 years old.


Email aebower@udel.edu or contact Abbie Bower at 302-831-3995.

Listing expires: May 14, 2025

Balance control in older adults

Control of balance during walking in Parkinson’s disease and older adults

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Healthy Volunteers, Older Adult, Wellness and Lifestyle : N/A | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: John Jeka | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Sara Penuela  |   EMAIL: penuelas@udel.edu


In this study we will be testing balance and motor control in healthy older adult population.

IRB Approved Flyer


Healthy older adults (55 and older) that have no walking or balance impairments and can walk on a treadmill for a maximum of 7 minutes unassisted


If you are interested in participating in this study please reach out to Sara Penuela at penuelas@udel.edu

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: October 17, 2025

DECCAR Registry

Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research (DECCAR) Pre-Screening and Intake Assessment

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Older Adult | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Matthew Cohen | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Corrine Seeley  |   EMAIL: cseeley@udel.edu


The Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research (DECCAR) supports a number of research studies related to aging, cognition, brain health, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. The objective of this study is to establish a shared intake procedure and registry for storage of common data elements useful in determining eligibility for these studies.

No IRB Approved Flyer found.


Individuals are eligible if they are 45 years of age or older, live within a 2-hour drive of University of Delaware, be able to speak and understand spoken English, not have significant cognitive problems that impact the capacity to provide informed consent, and be free from the following health conditions: stroke or brain hemorrhage, autoimmune conditions that affect cognition (e.g., multiple sclerosis), brain tumor, progressive neurological disorders not related to Alzheimer’s or dementias (e.g., Parkinsons, Huntingtons), developmental or genetic conditions causing cognitive delays (e.g., Down syndrome), substance use disorder within the last 12 months, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and hydrocephalus.


Submit an interest form.


Listing expires: February 20, 2025

Nervous System Control of Fast Movements in Adults with and without Parkinson’s Disease

Motor unit discharge behavior during rapid contractions in people with Parkinson’s disease

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Healthy Volunteers, Older Adult : N/A | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Christopher Knight | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Rebecca Daniels  |   EMAIL: rdaniels@udel.edu


This study is interested in how the nervous system controls fast movements, and how Parkinson’s disease symptoms may affect that control. Participation involves performing some clinical tests of Parkinson’s symptoms, a brief cognitive assessment, and experimental tests of nervous system function. During these experimental tests, a small needle electrode will be inserted into the hand muscle between the index finger and thumb, and the participant will push against a device to produce several small, fast movements, while we measure the electrical activity of the nervous system through the electrode. Participation involves one 1-hour visit to the lab on STAR campus, and participants will receive a $50 amazon gift card.

IRB Approved Flyer


We are looking for adults aged 60-90 years old with or without Parkinson’s disease, who do not have any other known injury or neuromuscular conditions.


If you are interested in participating or want more information, please contact Rebecca Daniels at rdaniels@udel.edu with “motor unit study” in the subject line.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: November 15, 2025

Low Back Pain

Investigating Neurological Factors Associated with Clinical Outcomes in Adults with Low Back Pain

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Exercise & Physical Activity, Men’s Health, Orthopedic (bone, joints, muscle, tendon), Pain and/or Injury, Public Health including Covid-19, Sports, Wellness and Lifestyle, Women’s Health, other : Individuals experiencing Low Back Pain | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Katie Butera | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Katie Butera  |   EMAIL: kbutera@udel.edu


The Delaware Pain Research Group is studying how low back pain affects movement and walking. The purpose of the study is to evaluate changes in sensory, psychological, and motor components of low back pain and how they may be related to health outcomes. Testing will occur on 3 different days- an initial visit, a second visit 1 month after, and a third visit 3 months after the initial visit.

IRB Approved Flyer


Age 18 to 59 years old
Low back pain within the last 3 months
Ability to read and speak English
Willing and able to participate in 3 testing sessions

We will screen for exclusion criteria during the phone screening process


Please contact the Delaware Pain Research Group
Email: PainResearch@udel.edu
Phone: 302-831-3214

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: February 20, 2026

Salt Sensing in the Brain

Forebrain electroneutral transporters in salt-sensitive hypertension: an MRI study

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Men’s Health, Nutrition and Food, Women’s Health | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Megan Wenner | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Katherine Masso  |   EMAIL: kcmasso@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 3028313493


The central nervous system plays an important role in regulating salt intake and thirst, which assist in controlling blood pressure (BP) and body fluid balance. However, we know very little about how the human brain ‘senses’ salt.

The purpose of the study is to determine how salt is sensed in the brain using MRI in middle-aged adults and if the change in brain MRI signal is associated with blood pressure changes during low and high salt diets. This study has important implications for understanding the mechanisms of salt sensitive hypertension, which is a major public health problem.

No IRB Approved Flyer found.


• You are between the ages of 40-60 years old
• You have a body mass index (ratio of height and weight) score between 18.5 and 35 kg/m2.

If you agree to take part in this study, you will first have several tests done to make sure that you qualify for the study:
• You have a systolic blood pressure between 100 – 139 or a diastolic blood pressure between 60 and 89 mmHg,
• You do not have an allergy to sulfa drugs,
• You do not have low potassium levels in the blood (<3.5mmol/L)
• You do not have known cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, cancer, kidney disease, and/or other chronic diseases.
• You must not have donated blood in the past 8 weeks, and will be asked to not donate blood during the study or for 8 weeks following
completion of the study.
• You must also not currently be a nicotine consumer.
• You are not pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant.
• You do not have a history of brain injury or have been diagnosed with a major psychiatric or neurological disorder (e.g., dementia, schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder, Parkinson’s disease), anxiety or depression
• You must be willing and able to have an MRI scan.


Please review an overview of the study in the How to Apply Link provided which includes an interest form to complete for initial eligibility. You may then schedule a phone screening with the study coordinator.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: May 16, 2025

Stuttering and the Brain (adult)

Neuroscience of Stuttering

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Speech and Language : na | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Ho Ming Chow | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Samuel Farrand  |   EMAIL: sfarrand@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 3026350812


The Delaware Stuttering Project is seeking Adults who stutter and typical peers to participate a study involving MRI brain scans and behavioral testing. The study involves up to 2 visits to the Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging (CBBI) on UD campus for MRI brain scans as well as a behavioral testing visit. Participants will be compensated $100 per MRI visit, and $20 for the behavioral visit.

IRB Approved Flyer


Adults age 18-64 years old
Speaker of English
no other speech language or hearing impairments
no history of past or current mental illnesses/injury
no current use of prescription or non-prescription medication that impact brain behavior
Must pass MRI safety screener at time of visit (no metal, tattoos in/on body)


complete this form: https://www.delawarestutteringproject.com/sign-up-for-research/
email stutteringproject@udel.edu
contact Samuel Farrand at 302-635-0812

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: June 29, 2025

Tart Cherry Study

Effects of tart cherry consumption on cardiovascular and sleep health in postmenopausal women

STUDY CATEGORY: Cardiovascular (Heart and Circulation), Healthy Volunteers, Nutrition and Food, Wellness and Lifestyle, Women’s Health, other : Postmenopausal Women | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Sheau Ching Chai | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Anita Dini  |   EMAIL: ChaiResearchLab@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 302-831-7218


Participants will be asked to consume 2 cups per day of either tart cherry juice or control drink for 12 weeks. Cardiovascular and sleep outcomes will be assessed before and after the 12 weeks intervention. All supplements will be provided, and participants will be paid for their time.

IRB Approved Flyer


If you are a postmenopausal women (ages 45-60) and currently not undergoing hormone therapy, you may be eligible to participate in our study!


If you are interested, please call 302-831-7218 or email ChaiResearchLab@udel.edu

Listing expires: January 17, 2026

Pain affect on walking

Assessing how walking patterns change with pain in and out of the laboratory setting

STUDY CATEGORY: Exercise & Physical Activity, Men’s Health, Older Adult, Pain and/or Injury, Wellness and Lifestyle, Women’s Health : Wearable Sensors | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jocelyn Hafer | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Julien Mihy  |   EMAIL: mihyj@udel.edu


We are recruiting participants to better understand how pain affects walking in adults with knee osteoarthritis. Participants will be compensated $100.

IRB Approved Flyer


Individuals aged 55-70 years with no neurological, cardiovascular, or pulmonary conditions that limits daily activity. Must be able to walk for 30 minutes unassisted and be able to complete a campus visit at the University of Delaware Health Science Complex.


If interested, please email us at gaitbiomechlab@udel.edu

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 12, 2025

Stuttering and The Brain

Neural Subtypes of Developmental Stuttering

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Healthy Volunteers, Pediatric, Speech and Language, other : Stuttering | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Ho Ming Chow | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Samuel Farrand  |   EMAIL: sfarrand@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 3026350812


This study explores behavioral and brain differences in 6-13 year old children with and without developmental stuttering. It is conducted in person and remotely with at least one in person meeting for a brain scan (magnetic resonance imaging) and behavioral testing. Other behavioral testing may be completed remotely.

IRB Approved Flyer


6-13 year-old children, typically developing, with or without developmental stuttering, no history of cognitive or neurological impairments, not taking medication affecting brain function, other limited criteria apply


Please complete the brief registration form provided in the link or contact Samuel Farrand by phone (3026350812) or email stutteringproject@udel.edu

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: January 23, 2026

Voice Lab Study for Singers

Voice and Motor Lab Study

STUDY CATEGORY: Brain and Neurological, Healthy Volunteers, Speech and Language, Wellness and Lifestyle | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Katherine Verdolini | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Aude Cardona  |   EMAIL: audemm@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 646-602-0746


A 4-week training program exploring innovative vocal exercises aimed at enhancing cognitive abilities and overall well-being, while uncovering new insights into vocal training techniques.

IRB Approved Flyer


Singers between the ages of 18 and 50 with singing experience (e.g., individual training, choir, music band) who are available for the entire 4-week duration of the study.


To apply, please fill a sreening form available on our website (www.thevoice-wellbeing-learning) or directly on the link provided below. If you have questions before applying please email us.

APPLY Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: July 9, 2025

Body Size and Walking Balance in Older Adults

Influence of Body Size on Walking Stability Control in Older Adults

STUDY CATEGORY: Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Volunteers, Older Adult | PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jeremy Crenshaw | UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE CAMPUS AFFILIATION: University of Delaware STAR Campus, 540 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713 | STUDY CONTACT: Nancy Nguyen  |   EMAIL: nanguy@udel.edu   |   PHONE: 443-593-4297


This study explores how body size and composition influence walking balance in older adults. We will measure body size using tape measures, DXA scans, and muscle ultrasound imaging. Additionally, participants will perform walking tasks, including treadmill walking and clinical walking assessments.

IRB Approved Flyer


Individuals between the ages of 55 and 70 years old. Individuals should be able to walk for four minutes without an assistive device, get on and off a PT table, and can not be diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis.


If you are interested in applying, please email me at nanguy@udel.edu.

Study Contact Email:


Listing expires: May 14, 2025